As we begin 2021, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the year we leave behind. For many of us, it's one of the toughest we've ever experienced. Lost loved ones, lost jobs and an unsure future left many of us feeling anxious and alone.
But through all of the hard times, I have to say that 2020 showed me the best example I have ever seen of what kindness is really capable of. What you are capable of.
Each year we donate a large amount through a variety of releases to charities and causes that need some attention. In the past, we never really took the time to document that giving process as it's a lot to keep track of. This year, however, we've taken the time to catalog all the donations (in both money and ZOX) we've given on behalf of our community. Suffice to say my face looked like this after adding it all up. 🤯
Thirst Project
We've been supporting Thirst Project since August 2018 to help provide clean water to those who need it most. In 2020, we donated $233,568 to Thirst Project to help fund not only the construction of new wells, but the education on maintaining that well themselves to help extend its lifetime well over 40 years.
All donations are made through Pledgeling automatically on each order placed on our site. Since Covid has prevented Thirst Project's team from getting us videos of the new wells we've been funding, I had them send me over a file containing all the information on the wells we've funded as a community since we started supporting them. Just click here and you can dive into all the info they've sent out way.
Australia Wildfires

Back in January, Wildfires were tearing apart Australia. The ZOX community united to help and together we were able to raise $64,244. 100% of the profits from the sale of our Sending Love Down Under design went to charities helping the country and wildlife to recuperate. Here's where that money went:
GERF - $9,244
Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park - $10,000
Red Cross AU - $10,000
CFA - $10,000
WIRES - $10,000
RFS - $10,000
ARC - $5,000
NAACP and Thurgood Marshall College Fund

After the senseless killing of George Floyd, we launched our 'You Matter To Me' Single. Through the sale of that design, we raised $75,336 that was split evenly between the NAACP and Thurgood Marshall College Fund.
Prior to the protests, we had launched our Black History Month set which raised another $1,600 for TMCF.
The Trevor Project

This year, we were proud to move on up and become a Bronze Partner with over $38,000 raised since June for The Trevor Project. Each item from our Pride Collection donates $1 to their cause all year long and donations are made automatically. We're hoping to move on up to a Silver Partner in 2021 and raise over $50,000 for their life saving efforts.
No Kid Hungry

From November 16th to December 24th of this year, we provided a meal for every ZOX ordered. With that, we raised $31,400 to help provide meals to children in need over the holiday season. As an added bonus, we even gifted meals for every item we gave out for free.
Finding My Silver Lining

Through the sale of Finding My Sliver Lining, we were able to raise $19,600 that went directly to Covid-19 Response through Direct Relief as well as provide meals for those in need through Meals on Wheels.
American Cancer Society
Through the sale of our Strength & Beauty Single, we've raised $8,750 for donation to American Cancer Society in their fight against cancer. Donations had been made manually but are now sent automatically with each purchase.
Alzheimer's Association
Through the sale of our 'Love Remembers' Single, we raised $12,750 for Alzheimer's Association in their fight for an Alzheimer's and Dementia free world. Donations had been made manually but are now sent automatically with each purchase. With multiple family members who have suffered from dementia, this cause is very near and dear to our hearts and we're so grateful for all of you who have come together to help us make an impact.
Toys for Tots
This year we threw it back to one of our oldest Black Friday sales with a twist: Buy one, give two. For every one of our 'I Believe' Straps sold, we donated two to Toys for Tots for an in-kind donation worth $100,000.
Las Vegas - 3300
Austin - 3350
Brooklyn - 3350
Concerns of Police Survivors
This year, we donated 4,540 Thin Blue Line wristbands to Concerns of Police Survivors, a charity focused on support those who lost a friend, family member, or co-worker in the line of duty. This donation was distributed via care-packages for an in-kind donation worth $45,400.
There are multiple other smaller needs we donated to off the record, as well as a few we're still working on (wells in Cambodia and a college fund for our RBG Straps) that we'll update you all on soon. In the mean time, let's look at the totals for 2020:
Cash given on behalf of our community: $485,248
Value of ZOX given as in-kind donations: $145,400
For a grand total of: $630,648
I don't know about you but that makes my heart swell up so incredibly big knowing that you all, as a community, came together in the hardest times of your lives to give to others who needed it. That, to me, is the pinnacle of what we are all about: Kindness.
Big Hugs and happy new year.
- Jason